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How to deal with fear and dismay


Fear and dismay are enemies of faith. The devil uses fear and dismay to try to prevent you receiving by faith your deliverance.

God counters this in your life,

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10 - NKJV


In times of tribulation, the devil tries to bring fear and dismay on you through verbal or visual messages of disaster. This is what Jairus went through as he walked by faith with Jesus to receive his miracle.

On his way to receive his miracle, messengers came to Jairus with disasterous news but, immediately, Jesus shielded him from fear and dismay with His word.

Be not afraid, only believe.

Mark 5:36 - NKJV


God's Word has power to shield you from fear and dismay. Next time you're being tribulated get shielded from fear and dismay by God's Word.

Go to scriptures like the ones above and read them aloud. Hear what you're reading. Hear it, not as you saying it, but as God saying it and, most importantly, hear it as Him saying it to you.

Get shielded from fear and dismay; hear God voicing His Word to you.

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