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Class 5: Risen To Eternal Life


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Part 7: Water baptism of the first disciples

(This is part 7 of 9 parts in this class)


In the book of Acts we read the first accounts of the awesome event of men and women being born again as new creations. We read in the second and third chapters that new creations were being born into the world by thousands on a daily basis.

What was happening? Jesus had become the first-born from the dead in His resurrection - now here were His brethren being manifested to the world! Men and women were being baptised into His death by the Holy Spirit and, by the same Spirit, being raised again with Jesus to walk in newness of life. (Colossians 1:18; Ro.8:29.)


In the Early Church we see the disciples baptising in water all those who accepted Christ. This baptism in outward appearance looked like John's baptism. However, John's was a baptism of repentance whereas theirs was a powerful, miraculous baptism - a believer's baptism.