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Class 10: How To Love!


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Part 3: God's love wins the lost

(This is part 3 of 10 parts in this class)


I must confess that at that time no amount of words, however skilfully presented, could have convinced me that Jesus held the answers I sought. Yet the lives of these young Christians were so obviously brimming over with God's love that it touched me as it overflowed onto me.

There in their eyes I at last saw what my heart deeply yearned after, the love of God! I was ignorant of God but when I came into the presence of these people possessing His love I could only acknowledge His love was real and available to people just like me.


The Bible tells us when God's love flows in human hearts it does so by His Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:5.) This can mean only one thing - it is available to every one of us by His Holy Spirit today.

When we yield to this love of God we will begin to see beyond the failings of others and instead believe to find beauty in others and possibilities for good in their future. They in turn will then begin to acknowledge that God's love is real and present in this modern, cold world of ours today.