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Class 13: Blood Victory!


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Part 1: Jesus' mighty victory

(This is part 1 of 10 parts in this class)


Jesus won an indisputable and absolute victory over Satan. By His death and in His resurrection He annihilated the devil and triumphed over him. By his death the tyranny of sin was broken, the curse was annulled and the way was made for us to walk in victory through righteousness and grace. (Romans 5:17)


It's up to you and me now. We are going to have to learn to walk in this provision of victory. We must learn to reign in life. We must learn to reign over the devil. The moment we do we will start enjoying the fruits of Christ's victory and the world will be given a demonstration of the devil's defeat.

The devil is well aware of his defeat. He realises the Church is now set up as an occupational army on the Earth. Nevertheless, far from giving up and leaving the scene he fights on as a terrorist. As a terrorist the devil wages a war of propaganda, theft, killings and general destruction where ever he sees a vulnerable target.