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Welcome to Life Lessons

You have arrived at the Life Lessons section of Pastor Simon's Teaching Pages web site. Here you can reach short lessons that have direct application in life. "Life Lessons" puts these short lessons into 5 life categories or realms in order to give you a handy way of reaching the lesson you need.

The 5 life realms of "Life Lessons" form five pages that you can visit. These pages are accessible from the main menu (see drop down section under Teaching Pages). Alternatively, click on the page title in the list below.

Life lessons Page

People learn life lessons on a daily basis. Each listed below can be applied to different aspects of one's life. Getting in touch with your spiritual well-being may help you from becoming stressed when stuck in traffic. Financial lessons can be learned, for example, when doing repairs on your home. Reading comments, checking out Home Advisor resources or Home Advisor Reviews helps ensure that you can save money. Looking through reviews from Home Advisor or any other service reaches you on a social level as well and helps teach you life lessons in abundance. Every experience in your life will fit into one or more of the categories of life lessons below.

* Spiritual Well-being * Spiritual Equipping * Mind/Emotions * Body * Finance * Social