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How to preach a good sermon

Part 1: Introduction

(Content of this section: Is preaching important? Is any preparation for it needed?)


Preaching is spoken of constantly in the New Testament. It is hard to read the New Testament without coming to the conclusion that preaching is the fundamental task of ministers of the Gospel. Indeed, the apostle Paul declared that preachers being sent to preach was critical to people believing and by believing receiving salvation. Romans 10:8 - 17.

Jesus preached and He commissioned the eleven remaining of the Twelve to preach. The apostle Paul preached and in turn he exhorted Timothy to preach. Matthew 11:5; Acts 10:36; Mark 16:15,20; 1 Corinthians 1:17 - 23; 2 Timothy 4:2

This all says to me that the task of preaching is too important to be left to chance. It is too significant to be approached haphazardly. It says to me that those who preach need to approach preaching with all possible preparation in the Holy Spirit and in the Word so as to fulfill this task well.

In this study I want to help preachers, in whatever Christian ministry role they cast themselves, to be better prepared to preach a good sermon.

So this web page article is written to get you on track and keep you on track in preparing a good sermon and on track in preaching it well. "How to preach a good sermon" will provide you with a preacher's guide to preparing and delivering a sermon.

(Content of this section: A general objective that when fulfilled makes for a good sermon)


I guess some would want me first to state what I have in mind by a "good sermon". This though will come out as I develop the points that I will list in a moment. However, I will start with a general objective of a good sermon. This I borrow from Peter Brooks and who writes it as the opening to the first chapter of his book "Communicating Conviction." He says,

"Christians are concerned not merely to articulate a truth in such a way that another mind can grasp it, but to impart conviction in such a way that others share it. What is more, communicating this conviction involves drawing people into an experience of the transcendent."


I am going to start off by giving you a list of 15 points towards preaching a good sermon and then I will develop each point in the proceeding parts of this article.

Preview of content in next part:

  • List of fifteen points towards preaching a good sermon

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