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Hearing His Voice


Here I show you how it's possible for you to hear Jesus the Shepherd's voice. This is going to be important because following Jesus closely is going to take hearing and recognising His shepherd's voice.


Don't let the devil, yourself or anyone else tell you that you can't hear from God! Jesus says you can!

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me, and I give them eternal life.

John 10:27-28 - NKJV


You might not hear Jesus audibly but in your heart you can hear the delicate whispering voice of His Spirit. You might not be able to deliver what His voice has said in a word for word message but you will have a general impression of the direction He is guiding or the action He is prompting. 1 Kings 19:11-12.

The Holy Spirit has made your body His temple. The Holy Spirit speaks in that temple and, when you get quiet before the Lord, you hear His voice in your heart. 1 Corinthians 6:19; Matthew 10:20.

At first, you might think it is just you but this voice is different to "just you". It doesn't arise in your mind, it arises in your heart. Your mind gets to hear about it, or your mouth gets to speak about it, from your heart.


You can hear God's voice! Be in the habit of listening!


P.S. There are many voices in the world and you're going to need to be able to distinquish which voice is the Lord's.

Allow the Holy Spirit to write the Word of God you read in the Bible in your heart and it will distinquish for you whose voice you are hearing. The living Word of God will be to you like a voice meter authenticating the Lord's voice! Hebrews 4:12.

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