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Class 4: Your Father's Care


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Part 1: End-time prophecy

(This is part 1 of 9 parts in this class)


As we read on from that first sentence, Paul's prophecy begins to sound more and more like a word-picture of our days. He continues,

There will be men (in these last days) who love nothing but self and money. They will be boastful, arrogant and abusive. They will have no respect for parents, and no gratitude to any man. They will be without reverence to God and without natural affection to men. They will be implacable in their enmities and slanderous words. They will be intemperate and savage. They will see nothing to love in goodness. They will be treacherous, reckless, inflated with conceit. They will love pleasure more than they love God. They will retain the outward conventions of religion, but they will consistently deny its dynamic.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 - Barclay's Translation


Doesn't this make you wonder sometimes how on earth you're ever going to make it through these days? Don't you just know though that Jesus must have foreseen these days coming and made provision for us in them?