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Class 4: Your Father's Care


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Part 3: Wicked acts in our days

(This is part 3 of 9 parts in this class)


The "evil one" Jesus asked the Father to protect His followers from was the devil. The devil is the destroyer. The devil is a thief and Jesus says,

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy.

John 10:10 - Amplified Bible


The devil uses people he's caught and held captive as tools of his horrific trade. It seems almost regularly these days news comes of people committing horrendously wicked acts. We all wonder how they could ever do such things. The answer is because of "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience." Ephesians 2:2 - NKJV. In other words, as someone eloquently expressed it, "Behind every iniquity is an iniquitous spirit."

Who then can be in any doubt that in our times we need our Heavenly Father's protection. How has God answered the Son's prayer for this protection? What action do you think He's taken? For one thing, He's assigned to us body guards - special agents to keep a round-the-clock watch over us!