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Class 12: Covenant Consciousness


Previous Part

Part 6: Arise in Covenant Consciousness!

(This is part 6 of 8 parts in this class)


Let's think about this for a moment though. Why was it left to little shepherd boy David? Why didn't one of the trained Israelite soldiers do the job? The reason is rooted in covenant- consciousness. David had it but the Israelite soldiers of Saul's army didn't. Promises from God's covenant were David's daily meditation. Evidently they weren't the meditation of Saul's soldiers.

What sort of child of God are you? Are you the David-kind or the fearful Saulian soldier kind? What are you conscious of? Are you always mindful of your covenant or readily intimidated by giants?


This generation needs covenant-conscious men and women ready to go out against every giant that holds their brethren in fear. We've come to the time when covenant familiarity has to be a determined goal and covenant-consciousness a lifestyle!