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Class 15: Word power


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Part 11: Fill your heart with God's Word

(This is part 11 of 11 parts in this class)


You will always want your tongue to be productive and creative.

For this to happen you will have to work at getting your heart filled to abundance with God's Word. Jesus declared,

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Matthew 12:34 - NKJV


You speak from your heart when you speak in passion, crisis or stress. When you speak from your heart you speak out of what is in your heart in abundance. When it is God's Word you have in your heart in abundance then your tongue always produces good and promotes health in the Earth.

You've got to get your heart filled up with God's Word because inevitably in this present life there are going to be times of passion, crisis or stress. Take God's Word to heart until you know it by heart. This is a spiritual event. You give God's Word your heartfelt consideration or meditation until you have it within you as a living word.


God commanded Joshua to do this. He said to him,

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Joshua 1:8 - NKJV


God's message to Joshua was, "Keep speaking the Word!" Your heart receives best what it hears your own mouth speaking. Your own tongue is the best sowing implement the Holy Spirit has. No matter what situation arises, speak the Word. Do this even while every circumstance seems to contradict it.

Be a Joshua; keep God's Word in your mouth. Let the Word in your mouth be your meditation day and night. Your heart will soon be filled to abundance with God's Word.


Don't delay on implementing this plan! Your future depends on it. The words of your mouth are constantly bringing things into being in your life and constantly determining the direction your life goes in.

Let your tongue become an instrument of righteousness. Let your tongue become a promoter of health and life. Let your mouth bring out of your heart good things into the Earth!